Let me begin with a definition. Rise From the Ashes = Be Renewed After Destruction.
In classical mythology, the phoenix was a unique bird resembling an eagle that lived for five or six centuries in the Arabian desert. After this time it burned itself on a funeral pyre ignited by the sun and fanned by its own wings and was then born again from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle of life. The simile "like a phoenix from the ashes" is used of someone or something that has made a fresh start after apparently experiencing total destruction.
This will be the beginning of sharing some of my stories as I have burned and am rising again! Stay tuned!
In classical mythology, the phoenix was a unique bird resembling an eagle that lived for five or six centuries in the Arabian desert. After this time it burned itself on a funeral pyre ignited by the sun and fanned by its own wings and was then born again from the ashes with renewed youth to live through another cycle of life. The simile "like a phoenix from the ashes" is used of someone or something that has made a fresh start after apparently experiencing total destruction.
This will be the beginning of sharing some of my stories as I have burned and am rising again! Stay tuned!